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lid-hdplda-v1 (Language Identification)

Version Changelog

Plugin Version Change
v1.0.0 Initial prototype plugin release, released with OLIVE 5.3.1
v1.0.1 Finalization of models, addition of a language, officially released with OLIVE 5.4.0
v1.0.2 Fixed slight bugs in available language list and duplicate language mappings.


LID plugins analyze an audio segment to produce a detection score for each of the enabled language or dialect classes for the domain in use. A plugin domain could consist of 50 or more languages and dialects in a single plugin, or as few as one for use cases where the customer is only focused on a single target class. Some plugin domains are solely focused on dialect or sub-language recognition, such as languages of China. Several LID plugins allow users to add new classes or augment existing classes with more data for the class to improve accuracy.

Language recognition plugin for clean telephone or microphone data, based on a language embeddings DNN fed with acoustic DNN bottleneck features, and language classification using a PLDA backend and multi-class calibration. In contrast to its predecessor, instead of training the PLDA parameters in a generative way, this plugin discriminatively trains the PDLA parameters. In addition, two PLDA models are trained, one to generate scores for clusters of highly related languages, and a second one to generate scores conditional to each cluster. For example, there is a “Spanish cluster” and inside that cluster we have languages as Castilian Spanish, Catalan, Galego etc… We call this approach Hierarchical Discriminative PLDA, or HDPLDA.


  • multi-v1
    • Generic domain for most close talking conditions with signal-to-noise ratio above 10 dB. Currently set up with 16 languages configured (optionally configurable to up to over 100 languages). See below for the currently-configured and available languages. See the configuring languages section for instructions on reconfiguring the available languages if necessary.


Audio file or buffer and an optional identifier.


Generally, a list of scores for all classes in the domain, for the entire segment. As with SAD and SID, scores are generally log-likelihood ratios where a score of greater than “0” is considered a detection. Plugins may be altered to return only detections, rather than a list of classes and scores, but this is generally done on the client side for sake of flexibility.

An example output excerpt:

        input-audio.wav Amharic -6.73527861
        input-audio.wav Arabic -3.31796265
        input-audio.wav English 8.22701168
        input-audio.wav French -2.98071671
        input-audio.wav Iranian Persian -5.55558729
        input-audio.wav Japanese -6.01283073
        input-audio.wav Korean -5.64162636
        input-audio.wav Mandarin -4.81163836
        input-audio.wav Portuguese -1.93523705
        input-audio.wav Russian -5.60199690
        input-audio.wav Spanish -3.70800495
        input-audio.wav Tagalog -4.86510944
        input-audio.wav Vietnamese -5.10995102

Functionality (Traits)

The functions of this plugin are defined by its Traits and implemented API messages. A list of these Traits is below, along with the corresponding API messages for each. Click the message name below to go to additional implementation details below.

  • GLOBAL_SCORER – Score all submitted audio, returning a single score for the entire audio segment for each of the enrolled and enabled languages of interest.


OLIVE 5.4+


Known or potential limitations of the plugin are outlined below.

All current LID plugins assume that an audio segment contains only a single language and may be scored as a unit. If a segment contains multiple languages the entire segment will still be scored as a unit. In many cases, a minimum duration of speech of 2 seconds is required in order to output scores. This value can optionally be overwritten, but scores provided for such short segments will be volatile.

Minimum Speech Duration

The system will only attempt to perform language identification if the submitted audio segment contains more than 2 seconds of detected speech.

Languages of Low Confidence

Many of the language models that are included and hidden within the domain's data model, disabled by default, do not contain enough data within the model for reliable detection of this language, and are included solely to help with score calibration, and differentiating other languages. If in doubt regarding whether an enrolled language should be used for detection or not, please reach out to SRI for clarification.


Language/Dialect Detection Granularity

LID plugins attempt to distinguish dialects (ie., Tunisian Arabic and Levantine Arabic) or a base language class (such as Arabic). These can be mapped back to the base language if desired. This requires one change to be enabled.

  • A mapping file '' must exist within the domain of the plugin for which mapping is to be performed (eg. domains/multi-v1/ This file is a tab-delimited, two-column file that lists each mapping for the dialect to the languages as "\t". Example lines include:
    Levantine Arabic    Arabic
    Tunisian Arabic     Arabic

In the example above, the output labels of the dialects will be mapped to the same base language 'Arabic'. Note the exception in which mapping is not performed is for user-enrolled languages where it is assumed the user has provided the dialect or language label based on their requirements.

Note that we recommend users request these mapping files from SRI, or request the mapping to be performed before delivery of the plugin so that SRI can test and validate the final mapping before delivery.

Note also that the system will not allow you to create an enrollment with the same class name that you have languages mapped to. This is to avoid confusing situations where the system isn't sure if it should be considering the original pre-mapped models, or the newly enrolled user model. You must provide a unique name for any new language enrollments, that does not conflict with the If you have already enrolled a conflicting model, and then add a mapping to this same name, the plugin will provide a warning message and intentionally fail to load.


Some recent LID plugins allow class modifications. Due to the more complex structure of the model training process for the HDPLDA architecture, this plugin does not support user-enrollable or user-augmentable classes. The language model set for this plugin is fixed, though the provided languages can still be enabled or disabled (see below) as desired.

Configuring Languages

Most LID plugins have the ability to re-configure the languages available in a domain. Configuring languages in the domain can be done by entering the domain directory of interest within the plugin folder and editing domain_config.txt. This file lists the pre-enrolled languages available in the plugin. Disabled languages are indicated by a # at the start of the line. To enable a language, remove the #. To disable a language, add a # at the start of the line.

Note that you cannot add languages to this list that are not supported by underlying models. If nonexistent language are added to this file, the plugin will intentionally fail.

Note that internally, this plugin uses ISO-639-3 Language Codes to refer to each language. They are translated to English language names before being reported by OLIVE for human consumption, but it's important to know the language code when enabling or disabling a language. Refer to the link above to look up language codes, or see below for a list of the included languages and a mapping of the internal codes to the reported language name.

Default Enabled Languages

The following languages are identified as high-confidence languages, supported by a sufficient amount of training data to make them reliable language detectors. As such, they are enabled by default in the plugin as-delivered, and serve as a general purpose base language set.

Language Code Reported Language Name
arb, aeb, acm, afb, alv, arz Arabic (dialects merged and reported as Arabic)
cmn MandarinChinese
eng English
fas Persian
fra French
jpn Japanese
kor Korean
por Portuguese
pus Pushto
spa Spanish
tgl Tagalog
amh Amharic
rus Russian
vie Vietnamese
yue CantoneseChinese

Supported Languages

The full list of languages that exist as an enrolled class within this plugin as delivered are provided in the chart below. Note that as mentioned previously, not all of these languages were enrolled with enough data to serve as reliable detectors, but remain in the domain for the benefits to differentiating other languages, and for score calibration. If in doubt regarding whether an enrolled language should be used for detection or not, please reach out to SRI for clarification.

Language Code Reported Language Name
abk Abkhazian
aeb TunisianArabic
acm MesopotamianArabic
afb GulfArabic
arb ModernStandardArabic
alv LevantineArabic
arz EgyptianArabic
asm Assamese
ben Bengali
bod Tibetan
bul Bulgarian
cmn MandarinChinese
dan Danish
deu German
ell Greek
eng English
eus Basque
fas Persian
est Estonian
fin Finnish
gaz WestCentralOromo
fra French
hat HaitianCreole
hau Hausa
heb Hebrew
hun Hungarian
hye Armenian
fao Faroese
isl Icelandic
ita Italian
indsun Indonesian/Sundanese
jav Javanese
jpn Japanese
kat Georgian
khm Khmer
kor Korean
lav Latvian
lin Lingala
lit Lithuanian
ltz Luxembourgish
guj Gujarati
mar Marathi
hbs Serbo/Croatian
mkd Macedonian
mlg Malagasy
mlt Maltese
mon Mongolian
mri Maori
mya Burmese
nan MinNanChinese
afr Afrikaans
nld Dutch
npi Nepali
bre Breton
oci Occitan
pan Punjabi
por Portuguese
pus Pushto
ron Romanian
sin Sinhala
ces Czech
pol Polish
slk Slovak
slv Slovenian
nde Ndebele
sna Shona
snd Sindhi
som Somali
cat Catalan
glg Galician
spa Spanish
sqi Albanian
swa Swahili
nno NorwegianNynorsk
swe Swedish
bak Bashkir
kaz Kazakh
tat Tatar
kan Kannada
mal Malayalam
tam Tamil
tel Telugu
tgk Tajik
ceb Cebuano
tgl Tagalog
thalao Thai/Lao
amh Amharic
tir Tigrinya
tuk Turkmen
aze Azerbaijani
tur Turkish
bel Belarusian
rus Russian
ukr Ukrainian
urdhin Urdu/Hindi
uzb Uzbek
vie Vietnamese
wuu WuChinese
yid Yiddish
ymm MaayMaay
yor Yoruba
yue CantoneseChinese

Global Options

This plugin offers several basic user-configurable parameters which can be edited directly in or passed via the API. Note that if changed in the file, a server running the plugin will need to be restarted in order to use the new parameters, while parameters passed via the API are dynamically updated and do not require a restart of the server.

The options available and their default values are described below:

Option Name Description Default Expected Range
min_speech The minimum amount of detected speech in order to process a file. A higher value will prevent shorter files from being processed with the benefit of more reliable outputs. 2.0 0.5 - 4.0
sad_threshold The threshold used to determine speech for processing. A higher value results in less speech detected, while removing more noise. 1.0 -3.0 - 6.0