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Open Language Interface for Voice Exploitation (OLIVE) 5.6.0

OLIVE is a suite of audio processing software tools to enable a wide range of audio analysis for several mission types, including large scale audio triage, targeted close forensic analysis, detection of speech, speakers, languages, and keywords of interest.

OLIVE 5.6.0 Changelog Highlights

For more information about the OLIVE 5.6.0 plugins that are currently released and their capabilities, refer to the OLIVE 5.6.0 Release Plugins list, that links to more information about each.

There are many facets to OLIVE, several of which are documented here. Feel free to navigate through the documentation using the bar along the left side of each page. The links along the right side of each page provide navigation within that particular page. If you're unsure of the best place to look, this may help you choose where to get started:

Administration and General Setup Documentation

  • Installation and Setup
    • OLIVE Martini Docker-based Installation - Details for installing and setting up the OLIVE software package for docker-container-based deliveries. OLIVE Martini includes a web-based Raven Batch GUI, and other utilities such as a web broker that exposes the new OLIVE REST API.
    • OLIVE GPU Plugin Configuration - Information on how to properly configure OLIVE plugins and domains to use an available Nvidia GPU.
  • OLIVE Server Guide - For reference for setting up the OLIVE environment and firing up an OLIVE server instance, along with important details about how the Server works with the OLIVE Runtime and the OLIVE Runtime contents.
  • OLIVE System Requirements - Speed and memory benchmarking results for some plugins, and overall resource requirement information.

Usage Documentation

  • User Interfaces
    • OLIVE Nightingale GUI - Details for launching and interacting with the OLIVE tools through the the optional OLIVE Nightingale GUI.
    • Raven Web Batch GUI - Details how to launch and interact with the Raven web-based batch GUI for OLIVE, available in OLIVE Martini-based deliveries.
    • Java and Python Client Utilities - How to install and get started with running the example Java and Python command-line client utilities.
    • Command Line Interface Documentation (Legacy) - If you're interested in exploring the capabilities of OLIVE and its plugins as an evaluation tool just using the command line. This is recommended for light testing and evaluation only, when using the native linux OLIVE, not for integration or for use with docker-based OLIVE deliveries.
  • Supported Audio Formats - Outlines the audio formats OLIVE can currently process and which situations these restrictions apply

Integration Specific Documentation

  • Workflow Integration - Details for getting started submitting enrollment and analysis requests using OLIVE workflows, a powerful new tool allowing you to leverage several plugins with a single server request/API message. Workflow integration is recommended for most integrations, unless very specific functionality is required that's not yet supported by workflows.
  • OLIVE REST API Documentation - Swagger documentation covering the OLIVE REST API exposed by the OLIVE Web Broker. If this documentation is being hosted by the OLIVE Martini container, this documentation will be interactive, allowing you to submit REST API messages straight from the documentation for experimentation.
  • OLIVE Enterprise API Integration:
    • Enterprise API Primer - If interested in details about the mechanisms that allow integrating the OLIVE Server and backend audio processing capabilities to an existing system or GUI.
    • Creating an API Reference Implementation - Contains information to help guide the creation of a new API Reference Implementation if Java is not the target language for client integration.
    • Enterprise API Message Definitions - Provides more of the low-level details on the available API messages, their structures and contents.
  • OlivePy Python API Client Documentation - Provides auto-generated PyDoc style documentation for the OlivePy Python Client API (brings you out of the normal OLIVE documentation - press browser's 'back' button to return).
  • Integrating the (Java) Client API - Provides code examples (currently only in Java) for how to perform several OLIVE tasks and integrate the OLIVE Java Reference Implementation to create a new client or augment a client with OLIVE functionality.
  • OLIVE Plugin Traits - Information regarding plugins including terminology definitions for different plugin types and other types

Plugin Information

  • Release Plugins - List of the plugins released with this version of OLIVE, with links to more information on the specific plugins themselves.
  • General Plugin Info - Information regarding the actual technologies and capabilities provided by OLIVE (such as speech activity detection, language identification, etc.), and details on implementing these technologies.
  • OLIVE Plugin Resource Requirements - Information about the processing speed and memory requirements for a selection of OLIVE plugins.

Additional Info

  • Glossary - Definitions of important terms and concepts.
  • Contact Us - Information for how to reach out to the OLIVE team

Care was made to provide links to important contextual information regarding important terms, acronyms, API messages, etc. throughout the documentation. If you find any section to be unclear or lacking in important details, please let us know which area(s) require improvement.

For any questions, comments, or concerns about this documentation contact